Community members of IL Ngwesi and Lekuruki remain hopefeul that their land restoration initiative (ongoing for over 6 months ) now finally bares fruit/grass!
The initial digging of semicircular bunds. a training on grass seeding, and the establishment of micro-catchments were conducted last month with community members from Il Ngwesi and Lekuruki.
The training was conducted by Justdiggit and the Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust, through Laikipia Wildlife Forum, and ILMAMUSI Community Forest Association under the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) GEF6 project.This training was a follow up to the land restoration process happening in the selected areas in Il Ngwesi and Lekuruki.
A total of 114 acres (3,700 micro-catchments) are to be restored. And the seasonal rains will almost guarantee full success of this initiative.
Land restoration is at the core of Laikipia’s future and its rangelands. This approach to restoration has the great potential to restore the degraded rangelands. Community members are optimistic about this effort saying that it will go a long way to promote cohesion among them, as well as influence reduction of pastoral conflicts that have been experienced in the region for years now.
This initiative has been made possible through the support of
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