LWF was among those who congregated to congratulate the 222 graduates of Ujuzi Manyattani as it marked its 5th anniversary. The young men and women were from Mayianat, Shulmai, Lekurukki, Kirimon, Ilngwesi, and Sera Conservancies. The catering, hairdressing, tailoring, plumbing, motorcycle repair, electrical and solar installation, and mobile phone repair graduates received level 3 and 4 certificates from the Nyeri National Polytechnic. They also received start-up toolkits, which will play a crucial role in helping them start their businesses.
The event was graced by notable guests, including British High Commissioner to Kenya Neil Wigan, Principal Secretary (PS) State Department for Wildlife Silvia Museiya, PS State Department for Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs), and Regional Development Kello Harsama, Deputy Director of Technical Education Mr. Joseph Kanyi representing PS State Department for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Dr. Esther Muoria, Former Speaker of Parliament Francis Ole Kaparo, Laikipia Deputy Governor H.E. Reuben Kamuri, Laikipia North Member of Parliament (MP) Hon Sarah Korere, Northern Rangelands Trust (NRT) CEO Tom Lalampaa, MashinaniWORKS Chairman and CEO Dr. Kevit Desai and Vishal Shah, respectively, and NRT Mountain region led by Regional Director Mr. Aloyce Lekuton. Partners and donors present included USAID Kenya, The Nature Conservancy in Africa, Basecamp Explorer, Fauna & Flora, Laikipia Wildlife Forum, GIZ, German International Cooperation, Family Bank Ltd, KCB Group, Kenya Wildlife Service, Livelihood Impact Fund, Generation Kenya, Nuru Kenya, The Nyeri National Polytechnic -Nnp, Kiirua Technical Training Institute, and Laikipia North Technical and Vocational College.

British High Commissioner assesses the skills of the graduands
So far, Ujuzi Manyattani has empowered over 1300 women and youth from marginalized communities with marketable vocational skills that will help them improve their livelihoods. The program is taking the lead in revolutionizing technical training to make it easily accessible whenever people need it.