MKEWP is a paid member of KEWASNET and a recipient of KEWASNET funding support.
Our most recent grant from KEWASNET will be used to canvass our partners to determine the scope and scale of the water and sanitation issues confronting our new County and National governments after August 2022 elections.
The results of this work will be used to inform national advocacy and lobbying efforts, and to guide the development of the next generation of County Integrated Development Plans (CIDPs) and Annual Operation Plans and financing.
Key groups to contribute are:
- WRUAs through their WRUA clusters
- Mount Kenya Growers Group
- Community Forest Associations
- EMU SACCO members
- 5 County Departments of Water Services and Environment
- Farmers and Conservancies through the Laikipia Conservancies Association/LFA
- Basin NGOs (e.g. @MKT, @IMPACT, @CHAT,@GROOTS)
Stand by for the schedule of meetings that will be shared with you to know when, where, and how to attend.
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