We Vow To Protect Our Spring :Loiragai Community Promise to Take ownership of their Spring

Community members from IL Ngwesi have vowed to be at the forefront to ensure that the Loiragai spring remains protected, functional, and serves its members. Led by the area Chief, community representatives were grateful for the efforts that both Laikipia Forum and World Vision made to ensure that they enjoy their fundamental right to access…

Promoting Conservation Farming as Part of Smart Water Agriculture

The Mount Kenya Trust had a farmer’s day at their Mugumo Regenerative Agriculture Project (MRAP) next to Lolldaiga ranch. Neighboring farmers, representatives from Timau, Ngusishi and Ontulili Water Resource Users Association (WRUA) were present. Different aspects of conservation farming such as minimum soil disturbance, soil cover and crop rotation were demonstrated. Since conventional farm practices can negatively impact the…

Where Does Tourism Fit in the County’s Spatial Plan?

Laikipia county’s Department of Lands, Infrastructure and Urban Development recently reached out to the Laikipia Tourism Association,  as efforts intensify to prepare the County’s spatial plan. They aim that by September this year, this spatial plan will be complete. The department is hoping to capture all types of tourism facilities within the landscape. Stakeholder participation is…