Stories of Change Community Voices

Stories of Change Community Voices on the impact of the Laikipia Cattle, Water and Wildlife Project

Lots of projects get “done”, but who is interested in impacts? From 25th to 30th January 2020, Fauna and Flora International (FFI), Ol Pejeta Conservancy (OPC) & Laikipia Forum joined community groups within the Mutara and Suguroi river sub-catchments to learn about their experiences, perspectives and results from their participation in the Laikipia Cattle, Water and Wildlife Project.  Mr. Kiprono Lekeiyo, a downstream…

Mutara Ready for a Common Intake!

A common intake is an engineered, community-led solution to capture and distribute water equitably from a river to community destinations. Laikipia/Nyandarua Water Sector Stakeholders ranging from the Water Resources Authority, the County Governments of Laikipia and Nyandarua, WRUA representatives from Mutara, Community Water Projects and the Ol Pejeta/FFI led Laikipia Cattle, Water and Wildlife Project,…

Golfing for Conservation; Mugie Conservancy hosts yet another succesful Golf Open

Mugie Conservancy combines sustainable conservation, productive rangeland management, community cooperation, responsible tourism, and so much more. The conservancy is home to two of our Laikipia Tourism Association members Governor’s Mugie House and Ekorian’s Mugie Camp. Mugie Conservancy in partnership with Old Africa Magazine recently held its annual Mugie golf open. The tournament drew participants from…