Strengthening Resilience The Maji Chap Chap Loan By EMU-SACCO

Environmental shocks such as droughts and flooding can cause problems for any community. But communities whose livelihoods depend on scarce resources and are poor are particularly vulnerable. In the Ewaso Basin, where its population depends on agriculture for their livelihoods, recurrent droughts and floods are increasingly creating poverty traps for many households. Poverty and hunger…

Rehabilitation of Nanyuki and Likii Rivers For a Greener Future

“Plant a tree and leave a green legacy,” Deputy County Commissioner, Esther Mwamure. Storm Water and Environment Management Forum (SWEMF) is a Community Based Organization, initiated by Francis Githui, and was registered in 2018. They have been at the forefront of efforts for environmental conservation and management along our local rivers. SWEMF aims to rehabilitate…

People Beyond Poaching

‘The People Beyond the Poaching’ is a 32-page report on the illegal trade in wildlife based on interviews with 73 convicted offenders in South Africa. The producer of the report—and this 9:22 film—is TRAFFIC, the wildlife trade monitoring network. This is a fascinating report on the people behind the poaching in South Africa. It’s a…

Long-term Solutions: Managing Invasive Species in Laikipia North

  The County Government of Laikipia and stakeholders continue to work on mitigation measures to curb the spread of the Opuntia Stricta and the Acacia Reficiens. They firmly believe that the development of an Invasive species management plan is the best action to take us forward in our efforts. The exponential spread of these invasive species has for years…

Laikipia Invasive Species Symposium : Managing the Opuntia Stricta

Last week, Laikipia County Government, through the office of the Governor, formed 5 strategic working groups that will help find sustainable solutions towards eradicating, controlling and managing the invasive species, Opuntia Stricta. Formation of the working groups was pegged to the different mechanisms that are currently being used as solutions to managing the species. This…

Stakeholders Meeting on Opuntia stricta Management at Twala Cultural Manyatta, Ilpolei

Opuntia Stricta – prickly pear – remains an invasive species threat in Laikipia. Laikipia County Government has been in the forefront of discussions on how to address this invasive species. On February 22, 2019, the County Department of Water, Environment and Natural Resources, led the third follow-up stakeholder workshop to agree a way forward on…