Grassroot Voices Key in Promoting Good Water Governance

The Mount Kenya Ewaso Water partnership and Kenya Water and Sanitation Civil Society Network begin implementation of the Water Governance Support Programme II in the greater Laikipia region this week. KEWASNET, through MKEWP, with the support of Laikipia Forum, support the establishment of sustainable wash forums on Water and Sanitation challenges in the upper Ewaso…

The Earth’s Freshwater Cycle has Exceeded the Safe Limit, Says Research

A comprehensive scientific assessment in 2015 found that human activity has already breached four of the planetary boundaries. Greenhouse gas emissions are brewing a hotter climate, the sixth mass extinction of species is unpicking the web of life that makes up the global biosphere, intensive farming is polluting the environment and natural habitats are being destroyed on a significant scale. Earlier in 2022, researchers…

BAOTREE – What’s That?

Baotree is MKEWPs newest partner. They work with for-profit and non-profit organizations to design and develop easier ways of collecting and managing information for decision-making and impact monitoring. One of the most challenging aspects of managing a WRUA is real-time information on water flows, illegal abstractions, water pollution and riparian degradation. Working with @Baotree, WRUA…

The Kenya Water and Sanitation Civil Society Network (KEWASNET) and the New Government

MKEWP is a paid member of KEWASNET and a recipient of KEWASNET funding support. Our most recent grant from KEWASNET will be used to canvass our partners to determine the scope and scale of the water and sanitation issues confronting our new County and National governments after August 2022 elections. The results of this…

MKEWP – Taking Stock: The Mount Kenya Ewaso Water Partnership What Has It Been Up To?

The Partnership is 5-years old, and has received the following funding to support its partners in the Upper Ewaso Ng’iro Basin: KSH 5,021,000: The Laikipia Forum – secretariat services, administrative and fundraising support, office space, accounting and reporting, audits, etc.   KSH 9,506,250: FAO – support for ILMAMUSI and the Mukogodo landscape for the rehabilitation…