African Wild Dogs Cope with Human Development Using Skills They Rely on to Compete with Other Carnivores

Large carnivores in Africa are important from ecological, economic and cultural perspectives, but human activities put them at risk. Increasingly, lions, hyenas and African wild dogs are restricted to protected areas like national parks. Within these limited areas, they must compete for the same food sources. Competition is, of course, nothing new. For several million…

Mukogodo Community Leaders Approve Rehabilitation of Key Water Points

Community leaders from four community lands surrounding Mukogodo in Laikipia North have selected to rehabilitate 6 water projects within their areas. The community lands include Chulu Mai (formerly) Kurikuri, Lekuruki, Maiyanat (formerly Makurian),  and Il Ngwesi will obtain the support for these rehabilitation projects through Laikipia Wildlife Forum and MKEWP, through the financial support of…

Timau WRUA Launches New Office

Timau WRUA launched their recently completed office on January 20, 2022. The launch was officiated by the Laikipia County Water Resources Authority, Regional Manager, Mr.  Peter Ngubu.  Also in attendance were Buuri West Member of Parliament, Mr. Rendikiri, the Deputy County Commissioner, the Mount Kenya Ewaso Water Partnership Coordinator, Mr. Stanley Kirimi, the WRUA Forum…