Mapping of Invasive Species in Laikipia and Samburu Counties
Alex Lekalaile the Rangeland Coordinator for Westgate in Samburu County collects data on Acacia reficiens LWF is working with NRT…
Alex Lekalaile the Rangeland Coordinator for Westgate in Samburu County collects data on Acacia reficiens LWF is working with NRT…
Last week, Laikipia County Government, through the office of the Governor, formed 5 strategic working groups that will help find…
Opuntia Stricta – prickly pear – remains an invasive species threat in Laikipia. Laikipia County Government has been in the…
Opuntia species have been present in Laikipia for over 50 years. These species were initially introduced for ornamental and live…
The Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) is the premiere body for advocacy and lobbying on behalf of conservancies at the…
The prickly pear, or Opuntia, is a plant surrounded by Mexican mystery and legend and has been an iconic ingredient…