Early Fruits of the Water Governance Support Programme in the Greater Laikipia Region

The Kenya Water Act 2016 provides for the establishment of Water Resource Users Associations (WRUA) for the collaborative management of water resources and to manage water use conflicts at sub catchment levels. The Water Act anticipates that WRUAs are supported to have sufficient capacity to play an effective role.  The Act therefore places a responsibility on…

Enhancing Community Resilience and Water Security In The Ewaso Basin

The Kenya Water and Sanitation Civil Society Network partnered with the Mount Kenya Ewaso Water partnership to implement the Water Governance Support programme (WGSP II). The key objective of the programme was to support strengthen/establish and harmonize WASH clubs (by WASH CSOs) and other existing coordination mechanisms at the County and National Government. The overall…

Ongoing Drought Crisis Endangering Wildlife in Laikipia

Laikipia County is one of East Africa’s most important areas for wildlife conservation. First, Laikipia contains higher populations of large mammals than any protected or unprotected landscape in Kenya, outside of the Maasai Mara National Reserve. Secondly, Laikipia is rich in biodiversity with over 95 species of mammals, 540 species of birds, over 700 species…

Effects of Climate Change on the African Farmer and Adaptation Mechanisms

The 27th Conference of Parties (COP27) is described as an African COP which must address climate change challenges in Africa. Africa contributes only 3% to greenhouse gas emissions but suffers disproportionately from its impacts. Farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa are particularly vulnerable to climate change, because they mostly rely on rain-fed agriculture instead of irrigation. In…

FAO Project Partners Push For Cohesion Towards Sustainable Project Implementation

Implementing Partners of the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) Restoration Initiative project last month met in Nanyuki to review previous year’s activity implementation and milestones achieved. The meeting also focused on the alignment of project activities to avoid duplication of efforts, identifying bottlenecks, suggesting solutions and planning for the next year of implementation while adopting…