Beekeeping, Honey, and Building a Business Dupoto Beekeepers Cooperative

The people of Mukogodo Forest and surrounding communities are traditional pastoralists (and some hunter-gatherers), yet many of them practice additional forms of agriculture.  Beekeeping and bee enterprise is thought to have great potential for local residents if a good beekeeping cooperative can engage effectively in all things “bee”. Reliance on rain fed agriculture, like any…

African Wild Dogs Cope with Human Development Using Skills They Rely on to Compete with Other Carnivores

Large carnivores in Africa are important from ecological, economic and cultural perspectives, but human activities put them at risk. Increasingly, lions, hyenas and African wild dogs are restricted to protected areas like national parks. Within these limited areas, they must compete for the same food sources. Competition is, of course, nothing new. For several million…

What You Need to Know About Lion Tracking at Ol Pejeta Conservancy

‘Ajali’ is the biggest lion pride at Ol Pejeta Conservancy, with close to 22 members. Other prides here include the Bima, Amanda, Equator, Christine, and Utali groups. To ensure that this vulnerable species continues to thrive, the Conservancy has fitted some of the female lions with GPS/VHF collars. Lionesses are fitted with the collars because…

Mukogodo Community Leaders Approve Rehabilitation of Key Water Points

Community leaders from four community lands surrounding Mukogodo in Laikipia North have selected to rehabilitate 6 water projects within their areas. The community lands include Chulu Mai (formerly) Kurikuri, Lekuruki, Maiyanat (formerly Makurian),  and Il Ngwesi will obtain the support for these rehabilitation projects through Laikipia Wildlife Forum and MKEWP, through the financial support of…

Tourism Sector’s Cash Relief Program – Measuring the Impact

  It has been four months since the Laikipia Tourism Association partnered with GiveDirectly in a cash relief program for tourism staff affected by the Covid pandemic. The Laikipia Tourism Association helped to identify 350 individuals from different tourism facilities in the greater Laikipia landscape to benefit from the program. These beneficiaries, if deemed to…

Timau WRUA Launches New Office

Timau WRUA launched their recently completed office on January 20, 2022. The launch was officiated by the Laikipia County Water Resources Authority, Regional Manager, Mr.  Peter Ngubu.  Also in attendance were Buuri West Member of Parliament, Mr. Rendikiri, the Deputy County Commissioner, the Mount Kenya Ewaso Water Partnership Coordinator, Mr. Stanley Kirimi, the WRUA Forum…

Laikipia County Climate Change Fund: Drafting the Regulations

The National Climate Change Act,2016, part 19 (4) provides for a county government to enact legislation that further defines implementation of its obligations under this Act, or other climate change functions relevant to the county or such other related purposes. In realization of the above, the County Government of Laikipia has established its own Climate…

Mukogodo Participatory Forest Management Plan The PFMP Review Process Begins

The Participatory Forest Management Plan (PFMP) for Mukogodo National Forest Reserve expired in 2018. A new PFMP is required as the basis for a 5 – year Management Agreement between the ILMAMUSI CFA with the Kenya Forest Service (KFS). This Agreement will guide the implementation of CFA activities and programs within Mukogodo forest for a period of…