Resuscitating Our Tourism Sector

Over the last few months, COVD vaccination campaigns have rolled out countrywide in various facilities. We recently shared a list of all Ministry of Health vaccination centres countrywide It is estimated that up to 900,00 Kenyans have already been vaccinated countrywide, which shows a great turn out and a willingness by Kenyan’s to protect themselves from…

Water Pan Benefits

With climate change and climate variability comes fluctuating rainfall and extreme temperatures. Growing seasons are changing. These shifts severely impact lives and livelihoods. Water security starts with water availability. There must be enough water to satisfy diverse-and sometimes conflicting- needs. When households have water, their ability to improve sanitation and hygiene is enhanced. The COVID…

Taking Ownership

The Laikipia Forum held a two-day training on the 29th and 30th of April at the Ilmamusi CFA Headquarters.  The session was for the Loragai Community Water Project Management Committee on operations and maintenance of the Loragai Spring water project. The two-day training helped focus the Committee’s attention on general project management, operations and maintenance…

Agnes’s Faith in EMU SACCO Pays Out

2019 was a difficult year for Agnes Wambui of Umande, Laikipia. Her words sum it up best, “The land dried up and my crops did not grow well because the rains came late.” Without modern farming tools and techniques, Agnes was particularly susceptible to the unpredictable changes in climate. Irrigation helps reduce the vulnerability of…

WRUA Institutional Development Trainings

“As WRUAs, our humble appeal to the Ministry of Water, together with the Water Resources Authority, is for them to bring WRUAs on board so that we can all work as a team in the management of subcatchments and especially in sharing the finances that are obtained from water charges”.                                                                                                      Phanuel Pasito, Manager, Ngare…

Conservation Alliance of Kenya: Public Feedback on the Amendments to the Wildlife Management and Conservation Act (WCMA)

The WCMA is up for review (again). This is the fourth review of the Act since its original promulgation in 2013. The Conservation Alliance of Kenya is a limited liability membership organization registered in Kenya as the umbrella body to advance the preservation, protection and management of wildlife and its habitats; places of natural beauty;…